Comic Archives
Welcome to the L.A.W.L.S. Comic archive, a full list of comics by Denis Caron including the main Story Mode, ALT, Words of Interest and Ask Hatticus. You can also find all of the filler and guest strips made by other webcomic artists here.

Short Synopsis: ALT. is an obscenely scene webcomic about subcultures (goth, emo, rocker girls) and pop culture references. This is an alternate universe of the main story mode version of the comic. Click the “learn more” link below for more information.

ALT. Archive:

Short Synopsis: L.A.W.L.S. (Large Air Whales Like Silence), the original LAWLS Comics, that started it all. This is the “story mode” of the comic that follows the stories main characters Cadence, Autumn and Joseph as they journey through a post apocalyptic Los Angeles, California for their own selfish reasons. If you’re new to this comic, it’s best to go to the bottom of this section to start reading.

L.A.W.L.S. [ Story Mode ] Archive:
Story Mode

Short Synopsis: A dictionary comic, defining words in humorous ways. Learn a new word of the day in a fun way!

Words of Interest Archive:
Words of Interest

Short Synopsis: Everyone other section is a list of comics by Denis Caron, this section is different! These are comic strips written and drawn by other webcomic creators from comics like Nerf This and IAMARG!

Guest Strips Archive:
Guest Strips

Short Synopsis: A series of filler comics featuring everyones favorite snarky hat character, Hatticus! Readers submit questions to Hatticus, and he responds in the only way he knows how to, like an asshole.

Ask Hatticus Archive:
Ask Hatticus

Short Synopsis: Random comics to fill the time. Usually written when Denis didn’t have time to keep up with his Monday, Wednesday, Friday schedule and another artist couldn’t fill in for the day.