Jokes on you guys, this whole story has just been a cocaine drug trip in the perspective of Alek. ;)
Posts Tagged Drinking
This comic was birthed from a tweet that Douche Bro tweeted a while back in which he said something along the lines of “Trolls be trollin’, goblin’s be gobblin’.”
pot-val·iant [pot-val-yuhnt]
Brave only as a result of being drunk.
Individually, a plaid shirt, an interesting mustache and some beer w/ cereal is A-OK in my book… but you put them all together… and it’s just TOO MUCH!
Have you ever gone to a party and TRIED having a conversation with someone about something or another on a more intellectual level but instead of discussing or ever admitting they may be wrong, they just shoot down everything you say with out consideration? Probably one of my biggest pet peeves ever.
PS. Yes, that is in fact my good friend, Ty Haley.
mit·i·gate \MIT-i-geyt\
1. To lessen in force or intensity, as wrath, grief, harshness, or pain; moderate.
2. To make less severe: to mitigate a punishment.
3. To make (a person, one’s state of mind, disposition, etc.) milder or more gentle; mollify; appease.
4. To become milder; lessen in severity.