What Does “LAWLS” Mean?
What Does “LAWLS” Mean?
LAWLS is a slang spelling of the texting shorthand LOL, or “laughing out loud.” LOL (or LAWLS) can be used to indicate amusement, irony, or double meanings. It is one of many initialisms for expressing bodily reactions, in particular laughter, as text, including initialisms for more emphatic expressions of laughter such as LMAO (“laughing my ass off”) and ROFL (“rolling on the floor laughing”).
L.A.W.L.S. (sometimes written LAWLS) is a play on that idea, but takes on another meaning as an acronym for “Large Air Whales Like Silence,” the title of the webcomic created by Denis Caron in 2010. L.A.W.L.S. started as a single comic, intending to be a Gag-a-Day, with a very loose story. Eventually, however, it became a rather complex and more investing story which no longer allowed Denis to write random jokes about other things that interested him. As a result, L.A.W.L.S. split into 3 individual parts. L.A.W.L.S. [Story Mode], the original storyline; ALT. a spin off about the main characters in regular day scenarios: dating, playing video games, getting coffee, etc; and Words of Interest a comic about leaning fancy words.
L.A.W.L.S. Volume 1, collecting the first 198 strips from the Story Mode, is now available to purchase.
Below are links to the each of the aforementioned L.A.W.L.S. Comics. You can start each of them from the beginning by clicking “First Comic,” start from the most recent issue by clicking “Latest Comic,” or learn more about the comic by clicking “Learn More.” It’s recommended to read L.A.W.L.S. [Story Mode] in order, however ALT. and Words of Interest can be read at random by clicking the ?!? button under each comic.