Selcouth by Denis Caron on May 20, 2013 Universe: Words of InterestCharacters: Dapper Whale sel·couth [sel-kooth] adjective Archaic. strange; uncommon. └ Tags: Adjective, Animals, Black & White, Dick Joke, Sexual, Word of the Day
Potvaliancy by Denis Caron on March 11, 2013 Universe: Words of InterestCharacters: Dapper Squid pot-val·iant [pot-val-yuhnt] adjective Brave only as a result of being drunk. └ Tags: Adjective, Animals, Black & White, Drugs & Alcohol, Education, Lesson in Gentlemanly Behavior, Word of the Day
Liege by Denis Caron on May 14, 2012 Universe: Words of InterestCharacters: The Gentlemen liege \ˈlēj\ noun 1. A feudal lord entitled to allegiance and service. 2. A feudal vassal or subject. adjective 3. Owing primary allegiance and service to a feudal lord. 4. Pertaining to the relation between a feudal vassal and lord. 5. loyal; faithful └ Tags: Adjective, Animals, Black & White, Noun, Poetic, Romance, Word of the Day
Adroit by Denis Caron on April 2, 2012 Universe: Words of Interest a·droit \əˈdroit\ adjective Clever or skillful in using the hands or mind. └ Tags: Adjective, Black & White, Creepy, Medical Humor, Sorcery, Word of the Day
Novel by Denis Caron on December 22, 2011 Universe: Words of InterestCharacters: The Gentlemen nov·el \nov-uhl\ adjective Of a new kind; different from anything seen or known before: a novel idea. └ Tags: Adjective, Animals, Black & White, Creatures, Holiday, Word of the Day
À La Mode by Denis Caron on December 12, 2011 Universe: Words of Interest à la mode \ah luh MOHD\ french adjective In or according to the fashion. └ Tags: Adjective, Black & White, French, Word of the Day
Operose by Denis Caron on December 6, 2011 Universe: Words of Interest [FEATURING: ARG!] op·er·ose \OP-uh-rohs\ adjective 1. Done with or involving much labor. 2. Industrious, as a person. └ Tags: Adjective, Andrew Gregoire, Black & White, Cameo, Dick Joke, Sexual, Word of the Day
Churlish by Denis Caron on December 1, 2011 Universe: Words of InterestCharacters: The Gentlemen churl·ish \CHUR-lish\ adjective 1. Boorish or rude. 2. Of a churl; peasant like. 3. Stingy; mean. 4. Difficult to work or deal with, as soil. └ Tags: Adjective, Black & White, Mobile Phones, Pop Culture Reference, Word of the Day
Procrustean by Denis Caron on November 29, 2011 Universe: Words of Interest pro·crus·te·an \proh-KRUHS-tee-uhn\ adjective 1. Tending to produce conformity by violent or arbitrary means. 2. Pertaining to or suggestive of Procrustes. └ Tags: Adjective, Animals, Black & White, Word of the Day
Canny by Denis Caron on November 8, 2011 Universe: Words of Interest can·ny \KAN-ee\ adjective Careful; cautious; prudent. └ Tags: Adjective, Animals, Arguing, Black & White, Food & Drinks, Word of the Day