Potvaliancy by Denis Caron on March 11, 2013 Universe: Words of InterestCharacters: Dapper Squid pot-val·iant [pot-val-yuhnt] adjective Brave only as a result of being drunk. └ Tags: Adjective, Animals, Black & White, Drugs & Alcohol, Education, Lesson in Gentlemanly Behavior, Word of the Day
Wellaway by Denis Caron on February 20, 2013 Universe: Words of InterestCharacters: Dapper Squid, Dapper Whale well·a·way [wel-uh-wey] interjection (Archaic) Used to express sorrow or lamentation. └ Tags: Archaic Word, Black & White, Interjection, Poop Joke, Romance, Word of the Day
Pilikia by Denis Caron on July 4, 2012 Universe: Words of InterestCharacters: Dapper Squid, Dapper Whale pi·li·kia \pee-lee-KEE-ah\ noun Trouble. └ Tags: Animals, Black & White, Food & Drinks, Morbid Humor, Noun, Word of the Day
Fantast by Denis Caron on June 13, 2012 Universe: Words of InterestCharacters: Dapper Squid fan·tast \FAN-tast\ noun A visionary or dreamer. └ Tags: Animals, Black & White, Drugs & Alcohol, Education, Morbid Humor, Noun, Word of the Day
Catachize by Denis Caron on March 30, 2012 Universe: Words of InterestCharacters: Dapper Squid, Dapper Whale cat·e·chize \KAT-i-kahyz\ verb 1. To question closely. 2. To instruct orally by means of questions and answers, especially in Christian doctrine. 3. To question with reference to belief. └ Tags: Animals, Black & White, Verb, Word of the Day
Ruck by Denis Caron on March 23, 2012 Universe: Words of InterestCharacters: Dapper Squid, Dapper Whale ruck \ruhk\ noun 1. A large number or quantity; mass. 2. The great mass of undistinguished or inferior persons or things. └ Tags: Animals, Black & White, Dating, Noun, Sexual, Word of the Day
Adytum by Denis Caron on December 14, 2011 Universe: Words of InterestCharacters: Dapper Squid, Dapper Whale ad·y·tum \ad-i-tuhm\ noun 1. A sacred place that the public is forbidden to enter; an inner shrine. 2. The most sacred or reserved part of any place of worship. └ Tags: Animals, Black & White, Dating, Noun, Sexual, Word of the Day
Billow by Denis Caron on October 4, 2011 Universe: Words of InterestCharacters: Dapper Squid, Dapper Whale bil·low \BIL-oh\ verb 1. To rise or roll in or like a great wave; surge. 2. To swell out, puff up, etc., as by the action of wind. 3. To make rise, surge, swell. noun 1. A great wave or surge of the sea. 2. Any surging mass. └ Tags: Animals, Black & White, Dating, Drugs & Alcohol, Noun, Sexual, Verb, Word of the Day
Darkle by Denis Caron on September 7, 2011 Universe: Words of InterestCharacters: Dapper Squid, Dapper Whale dar·kle \DAHR-kuhl\ verb 1. To grow dark, gloomy, etc. 2. To appear dark; show indistinctly. └ Tags: Animals, Black & White, Drugs & Alcohol, Sexual, Verb, Word of the Day
Flounce by Denis Caron on September 5, 2011 Universe: Words of InterestCharacters: Dapper Squid, Dapper Whale flounce \flouns\ verb (used without object) 1. To go with impatient or impetuous, exaggerated movements. 2. To throw the body about spasmodically; flounder. noun 3. An act or instance of flouncing; a flouncing movement. └ Tags: Animals, Black & White, Dancing, Intransitive Verb, Noun, Sexual, Verb, Victorian Women, Word of the Day