Posts Tagged Sexual
dematerialize or dematerialise (ˌdiːməˈtɪərɪəˌlaɪz)
1. To cease to have material existence, as in science fiction or spiritualism
2. To disappear without trace; vanish
pon·iard [pon-yerd]
A small, slender dagger.
transitive verb (used with object)
to stab with a poniard.
o·gle [oh-guhl] o·gled, o·gling
transitive verb (used with object)
1. to look at amorously, flirtatiously, or impertinently.
2. to eye; look or stare at.
intransitive verb (used without object)
3. to look amorously, flirtatiously, or impertinently.
4. to look or stare.
5. an amorous, flirtatious, or impertinent glance or stare.
If anyone has “emojis” installed on their phones, you’ll know what emoji this joke is about. I love throwing in the flex at the end of sentences, even if they don’t initially sound douchey… the text always becomes so with it at the end.
bou·stro·phe·don [boo-struh-feed-n, -fee-don, bou-]
An ancient method of writing in which the lines run alternately from right to left and from left to right.