Posts Tagged Music
Have you ever gone to a party and TRIED having a conversation with someone about something or another on a more intellectual level but instead of discussing or ever admitting they may be wrong, they just shoot down everything you say with out consideration? Probably one of my biggest pet peeves ever.
PS. Yes, that is in fact my good friend, Ty Haley.
Gift Giving is HARD. Is it just me, or do a lot of our naming conventions for music genres begin to get a bit redundant and strange?
an·i·mad·vert \an-uh-mad-VURT\
1. To comment unfavorably or critically.
2. Obsolete. To take cognizance or notice of.
rap·ine \RAP-in\
intransitive verb
The act of plundering; the seizing and carrying away of another’s property by force.
Robots need to have some pleasure too! Does anyone else like Dubstep? Or is that just Cadence and I?