Analysand by Denis Caron on February 24, 2014 Universe: Words of InterestCharacters: Autumn, Cadence a·nal·y·sand (uh-nal-uh-sand, -zand) noun (Psychiatry) A person undergoing psychoanalysis. └ Tags: Black & White, Medical Humor, Noun, Sexual, Victorian Women, Word of the Day
Adroit by Denis Caron on April 2, 2012 Universe: Words of Interest a·droit \əˈdroit\ adjective Clever or skillful in using the hands or mind. └ Tags: Adjective, Black & White, Creepy, Medical Humor, Sorcery, Word of the Day
Abrade by Denis Caron on December 20, 2011 Universe: Words of Interest abrade \uh-BREYD\ , verb 1. To scrape off. 2. To wear off or down by scraping or rubbing. └ Tags: Black & White, Medical Humor, Verb, Word of the Day
Aioli by Denis Caron on November 2, 2011 Universe: Words of Interest ai·o·li \ahy-OH-lee\ noun A sauce made of oil and eggs, usually flavored with garlic, from the Provence region of France. └ Tags: Black & White, Food & Drinks, Medical Humor, Noun, Word of the Day
Titubant by Denis Caron on October 12, 2011 Universe: Words of Interest tit·u·bant \TICH-oo-buhnt\ noun A disturbance of body equilibrium in standing or walking, resulting in an uncertain gait and trembling. └ Tags: Animals, Black & White, Medical Humor, Noun, Pets, Romance, Word of the Day
Hatticus on Matters of Medical Care by Denis Caron on June 20, 2011 Universe: FillersCharacters: Hatticus Seriously, who isn’t crazy about cute cats. └ Tags: Animals, Medical Humor, Morbid Humor, Pets
Hatticus on Matters of Health by Denis Caron on June 17, 2011 Universe: FillersCharacters: Hatticus At least I know he care enough to make the effort. └ Tags: Medical Humor, Morbid Humor, Rage