Ectype by Denis Caron on December 19, 2011 Universe: Words of InterestCharacters: God, The Gentlemen ec·type \EK-tahyp\ noun A reproduction; copy └ Tags: Black & White, Noun, NSFW, Offensive, Religious, Sexual, Word of the Day
8-Bit God by Denis Caron on September 1, 2010 Universe: Story ModeCharacters: Betta Fish, God The best way to work out your differences is to battle! └ Tags: Animals, Fight Scene, Pokémon, RPG, Video Games
Bleedin’ Bigotry by Denis Caron on August 25, 2010 Universe: Story ModeCharacters: Betta Fish, God Look’s like God can’t seem to stop, evolution! └ Tags: Animals, Fight Scene
God Awful by Denis Caron on July 7, 2010 Universe: Story ModeCharacters: God, Joseph Now THAT’S being touched by God! └ Tags: Fight Scene, Sorcery
Oh Em Gee by Denis Caron on July 5, 2010 Universe: Story ModeCharacters: Betta Fish, God, Joseph OH! MY! GOD! └ Tags: Animals, Fight Scene, Religious, Sorcery
Speak When Spoken To by Denis Caron on June 30, 2010 Universe: Story ModeCharacters: Betta Fish, God, Hatticus, Joseph Poor fish looks like his eyes are gonna explode! └ Tags: Animals
For Heavens Sake by Denis Caron on June 28, 2010 Universe: Story ModeCharacters: God, Hatticus, Joseph What? You know you’re jealous of my stylez Mr. God Man, don’t call my hat no nipple!
Divine Intervention by Denis Caron on June 23, 2010 Universe: Story ModeCharacters: Betta Fish, God, Hatticus, Joseph If he says so… it must be right. └ Tags: Animals, Religious
God said, “Meh” and Shrugged by Denis Caron on March 5, 2010 Universe: Story ModeCharacters: Bean People, God Seriously though, there are some weird creatures out there, it always makes me question how they came about! I LOVE strange creatures. :] └ Tags: Animals, Creatures