Speak When Spoken To
Poor fish looks like his eyes are gonna explode!
↓ Transcript
[ Panel 1 ]
GOD: Hmm… Strange… I don’t recall creating such a thing as a head nipple.
[ Panel 2 ]
HATTICUS: That’s ‘cos I’m NOT a nipple you POMPOUS PICKLE! DON’T make me pull an AMPLE sized PORCUPINE out of my ass to sta…
{ squick }
[ Panel 3 ]
Cough COUGH cough! Excuse me, I’m DROWNING IN AIR down here! are ANY of you BLOODY KIND ENOUGH to help a poor chap out!?! COUGH!
:: Alek is struggling to breath grasping the air with his fins, his eyes bulging out as he struggles to exclaim the stupid words he’s saying. ::
[ Panel 4 ]
JOSEPH: Psh… right!
[ Panel 5 ]
[ Panel 6 ]
GOD: …
Come to think of it …no.
[ Panel 1 ]
GOD: Hmm… Strange… I don’t recall creating such a thing as a head nipple.
[ Panel 2 ]
HATTICUS: That’s ‘cos I’m NOT a nipple you POMPOUS PICKLE! DON’T make me pull an AMPLE sized PORCUPINE out of my ass to sta…
{ squick }
[ Panel 3 ]
Cough COUGH cough! Excuse me, I’m DROWNING IN AIR down here! are ANY of you BLOODY KIND ENOUGH to help a poor chap out!?! COUGH!
:: Alek is struggling to breath grasping the air with his fins, his eyes bulging out as he struggles to exclaim the stupid words he’s saying. ::
[ Panel 4 ]
JOSEPH: Psh… right!
[ Panel 5 ]
[ Panel 6 ]
GOD: …
Come to think of it …no.
This made me smile.I needed to smile after the debacle I witnessed earlier tonight.
Glad to hear it!… but scared to inquire as to what the debacle you witnessed was…
Weeeelll…I saw a sneak preview for a certain film earlier. There was a large group behind my friend and I, one of whom had dyed his hair blue and shaved it into an arrow/mohawk-thing.
The movie was pretty meh, but that was terrifying.
aahh, say no more!! I know what movie your talking about.. and I don’t need you ruining more for me! I just saw that Buffy episode you ruined for me… I’ll kill you if you ruin more. KILL YOU SIR!
Joe ish mr spoiler master? :O -calls in the sniper squad, SWAT, a flock of Turtles, a Cupcake army, and a cookie air force- my armies pwn…. now there is only one more thing i must do….. -gets out a shotgun-THIS…..IS…..MAH…..BOOMSTICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hahaha, thats right! YOU TELL HIM!
God is cruel.”That’s cause I’m not a nipple you pompous pickle!” is officially my favorite.
I was laying in bed struggling to sleep the other night when I came up with that line. Did you see that Seinfeld episode where he wrote something down in the middle of the night to remember it.. and when he read it in the morning it was complete nonsense? I sorta had one of those moments with this strip. The final product is far more coherent then the rubbish i typed in my phone. lol The Pompous Pickle though, was delirium at its best though, I must say. :]
lol I haven’t seen that episode but you’ve told me about it before ;]
As usual, brilliant comic. Also per usual, what the flying fuck is that you linked? Who in hell would possibly release that torture upon the internet!? That’s just mean!
lol, why thank you. :]Honestly, I have no clue why someone would put that garbage on the internet, but some people (stupid people) apparently think that, that is an effective website. The best thing about that site is.. the deeper you find yourself digging around on it, the more brain aneurysms you have.
Pompous Pickle would be a great cartoon character.
Lmao, what would he be, a pickle with a monocle and a waist coat?
We’ve got quite a strange crew of characters forming here!There’s something vaguely Douglas Adams-ish about the whole thing, but I’ll reserve that judgment until a paranoid android shows up.
I will definitely admit to the fact that Douglas Adams is a big influence to this comic. :] Glad that that is showing a little bit in my writing.
Same here, my friend….of course, the only “air whale” Adams described didn’t meet with a very happy ending, did it?
TO be honest, with the Air Whale part.. That i didn’t take from him.. cos I havent even read that far into it. I’m currently reading it right now. SOOO You’re the second person to mention it and I’m like… uh… yeah… Air Whales… lolWhen i get there though, I’ll let you know. :]
Squick. Squish. lol
Yay, I’m glad we got someone who pays attention to the humorous details around here. :]
It’s a tough job, but it’s one I enjoy.
haha damn even god wont help out. thats cold
I’ve heard numerous tales that he’s not always there when you need him, regardless if he is there or not; Especially in the case of sinners. So does it really surprise you? One could easily speculate that in this situation when these fish were about to have passionately painful, life ending butt seck, that God may not be able to turn the other cheek on such matters at these. DUH!
The pompous pickle and the dance of the blood bunny have been recorded for future entertainment…Namely when I get stuck near some babbling group of fangirls and I need to cause a bit of mayhem. {The crazy fangirls who scare normal people, not the first generation fans}
Unless they are L.A.W.L.S. Fan girls… cos I don’t think I have too many of them… but if I do, I wouldn’t mind keepin’ em around. Fans are hard enough to come by….but if it’s Twilight fan girls, go right ahead, they’d be pretty funny to torment dont’cha think? XD
I need to create some sort of Pompous Pickle dance…. that should scare people off. :3
Sorry but I just had to say this, I love your Gravatar! Could you please tell me where you got it? :3
Sup just got caught up on the comic, funny funny stuff like always good work yo.
Why thank you sir! Glad you’re still enjoying this crazy tale of insanity and nonsense. :3
your on my top 10 of webcomics i like to read good sir. though i have to admit i like Anhedonia Blue a bit better, but that is probably cus it was first :P. As always do keep up the great work on both.
I’m glad to hear that, kind words such as these fuel my webcomic creativity! lolI’m surprised you like ABlue better, other than it being the comic you found first, is there anything in particular that you enjoy about it? I’m only curious cos I would assume people would prefer the light-hearted-craziness that this comic is over the slow confusing story that that one is. lol
I like the confusing story, and the more serious tone of ABlue. I read a lot of web comics, and so few of them are taken more on a serious tone, so I tend to enjoy those a bit more so than others. That and I think the story you have going in ABlue so far is amazing to watch unfold. I can’t wait to see how far the rabbit hole on that one goes so to speak heh.
Interesting, well Sir, I’m glad to know that you are prepared to see how deep that hole is getting. :] As long as some people are in for the ride, I’ll write it all the way down to the darkness that is to come. :3
LOL i love that the rainbow shit is still on Joseph! The fish looks great! i feel for him lying there trying to breath…. oh please let him live god!
My favorite part about the fish is that his eyes are bulging out while he is screaming in agony! Also, Joseph is starting to get really out of hand… all the crap that is starting to collect on him. Oh well… the attention to detail is sorta what makes his character funny.