Oh Em Gee
↓ Transcript
[ Panel 1 ]
JOSEPH: Really? YOU… out of all of us, WON’T help these poor fish?
[ Panel 2 ]
ALEK: …water… aaaauurrggg!
:: Joseph’s hand is picking up the suffocating Alek. ::
[ Panel 3 ]
JOSEPH: Fine. I’LL do it then.
:: Joseph removes Alex from his now shattered bowl. ::
[ Panel 4 ]
:: God looks annoyed with what is is witnessing. ::
[ Panel 5 ]
:: The rage with in God is growing as a blood vessel on his face pops, he looks a little bit like he needs to poop. ::
[ Panel 6 ]
:: Joseph smugly places both Alek and Alex in the same bowl. ::
[ Panel 7 ]
HATTICUS: Looks like MR. PICKLE just broke his POMPOUS jar!
:: Joseph looks mortified. **CLOSE-UP** ::
JOSEPH: Oh my...
[ Panel 8 ]
:: Lightning bolts spark from his hands. ::
[ Panel 1 ]
JOSEPH: Really? YOU… out of all of us, WON’T help these poor fish?
[ Panel 2 ]
ALEK: …water… aaaauurrggg!
:: Joseph’s hand is picking up the suffocating Alek. ::
[ Panel 3 ]
JOSEPH: Fine. I’LL do it then.
:: Joseph removes Alex from his now shattered bowl. ::
[ Panel 4 ]
:: God looks annoyed with what is is witnessing. ::
[ Panel 5 ]
:: The rage with in God is growing as a blood vessel on his face pops, he looks a little bit like he needs to poop. ::
[ Panel 6 ]
:: Joseph smugly places both Alek and Alex in the same bowl. ::
[ Panel 7 ]
HATTICUS: Looks like MR. PICKLE just broke his POMPOUS jar!
:: Joseph looks mortified. **CLOSE-UP** ::
JOSEPH: Oh my...
[ Panel 8 ]
:: Lightning bolts spark from his hands. ::
Is God gonna have to choke a bitch?
lol… only if god was Black… and Wayne Brady.
I’m glad Wayne Brady isn’t God.
Yeah… if he was, We’d ALL be his bitch. :/
Awesome Godly wrath
Wait to see what God has in store for Joseph! lol
*cowers in fear* damn those scary hippies…. long hair & no job xD
LMAO! Imagine you’re walking down the street when suddenly some crazy bummed attacks you and goes crazy lightening bolty on ass! :O I’d be scurd.
I would be like the Land Lord from ABlue and require new pants >.>
The only conclusion I have come to the whole fishy separation thing is that there is going to be some kind of bad juju when the deed is done.Or god is a serious homophobe.
I’d have to say, both are VERY possible. :3
Main character or not… it’s probably not the best idea to blatantly cross god, especially right in his big ol’ face. lol
Woah. WTF just happened!?
Mr. Pickle broke his Pickle Jar… duh.
…God of being a jerk. :P
Whoa! Nice painting effects in the last panel!
Why thank you Sir, that was a fun panel to draw. I kept posting it last night… looking at it.. wanting it to have a bit more… adding stuff… reposting. So after doing that about 5 times, I think that last panel came out quite well. :] lol
woah! yeah love the effects on that last panel. I’m betting thats not God. He’s not very nice
Psh, of course it’s not God…. It’s Mr. Pickle!
Sad, so i guess it’s true God hates us….or maybe just fish!
Or possibly just Gays?