Methods of Mayhem by Denis Caron on June 8, 2011 Universe: Story ModeCharacters: Hatticus That is one weird looking baby! └ Tags: Animals
trolol mayhem :3
The little bugger is FULL of it.
Im going to go ahead and call midget with a fetish for the third panel … this city just cant have normal anything in it … btw is the first panel a Redwall reference?
Maybe an unintentional one. I love that book! Been FOREVER since I read it… now I want to REREAD it! haha.
the three mousekateers!!!and taking candy from a baby isn’t that easy, as shown on mythbusters
They did a segment on that?
yeah, pretty funny considering they never dared to do it because the babies kept crying.
haha, nice. WUSSES! :P
Seeing this was a good way to start the day. Good strip. :)
I’ll give you a good strip! ^_~
The woman in the last panel looks awesome. Its like the worst thing in the world happened to her.
I tried something new for that panel, it was fun, glad it came out good.
Oh Hatty, such the rabble rouser. He appears to be having fun though.The raccoon on the other hand, does not.
Who wouldn’t have a good time ridding a raccoon into the depths of mischief!?!
Nevermind the cat in the hat, the hat has a raccoon!
Much better, but far less poetic?
“Book Progress! Giddy with glee!”Life may be wonderful, but you sir hat, are not.
heh, he is not.
…is he tagging the wall with a can of KY spray-lube?
I do not believe so, it looks like Krylon…
Iggymanlee is correct, its a can of Krylon spray paint. It’s pretty popular in the urban art communities and such.