Guest Strip by Jason Poland of Robbie and Bobby by Jason Poland on May 30, 2011 Universe: Guest StripsCharacters: Cadence, Dapper Whale, Joseph Robbie and Bobby and boobie and robbery. └ Tags: Animals, Black & White, Comic Cons
oh boy! I like this, because there’s a lot going on.
Yeah, this was a fun read, it had tons of littler references that went as far back as the earliest strips! Glad Jason was able to do a guest. :]
Du un nah nah nuh Batwhale! When things are fishy call Batwhale!
I’ll bet you 5 dollars he has shark-repellent bat-spray!
heh, I was trying to come up with clever names for the other cosplay whales… but had nothing.
HAMMER SPACE IS ON HIS HEAD!~XD lol sorry had to say it
Actually, for some reason Jason seems to think that hats float OVER peoples heads… not rest ON them. lol
hammerspace is still there >_>
oh dear, i wonder if he’s gonna do a second one tomorrow
Can’t tell if you meant that with worry, excitement, or neutral curiosity. Either way, this is it for my guest run this week. Thanks for reading!
heh, it would be interesting to see where jason would take this story if it was a full blown one wouldn’t it?