Guest Strip by Danielle Soloud of Life With Death by Danielle Soloud on May 25, 2011 Universe: Guest StripsCharacters: Dapper Whale, Joseph Check out Danielle’s comic Life With Death. └ Tags: Animals, Black & White, Drugs & Alcohol
I’d want to hunt air whales too if they showered me in urine. But that whale is so cute …
The way she drew the whale is definitely cuter than the way I draw whales. Heh. If they were that cute in my story… There may be no reason for questing.
This is probably what microorganisms go through every time I piss in the toilet =/.
Lol, most likely, yes. :P
Or it’s what humans fee when God goes #1. RAIN!
Ooh! I like the style.I’m definitely going to check this out.
looks cool!
Yeah, Danielle has some really nice linework. I really like the concept she has for hr comic too. Hopefully I’ll like it. :)
Hey, it’s Danielle! I’ve read her comic before, she’s awesome.
That she is, and so is her guest strip! XD