It’s the only explanation.
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ALT - 0012: OZ
[ Panel 1 ]
:: Cadence is dress up like Dorothy as she’s come across a house that as smashed the evil witch. Could she be Autumn? ::
[ Panel 2 ]
:: Cadence, Joseph, Metal Beard and Adult Rudy are walking down the yellow brick road. Joseph is the Scare Crow, Metal Beard the Tin Man and Rudy must be the Lion. ::
[ Panel 3 ]
THE VOICE OF OZ: I said come back tomorrow! I am the GREAT and...
:: Cadence stands before the great wizard himself, well the creepy green head that is apparently supposed to represent a wizard, that is. ::
[ Panel 4 ]
:: Cadence pulls back the curtain reveal that Tupac was the wizard all along. He’s got a fat stack of money and a Record that’s gone platinum back there with him. The mystery of where 2Pac has been all this time has now been answered. ::
[ Panel 1 ]
:: Cadence is dress up like Dorothy as she’s come across a house that as smashed the evil witch. Could she be Autumn? ::
[ Panel 2 ]
:: Cadence, Joseph, Metal Beard and Adult Rudy are walking down the yellow brick road. Joseph is the Scare Crow, Metal Beard the Tin Man and Rudy must be the Lion. ::
[ Panel 3 ]
THE VOICE OF OZ: I said come back tomorrow! I am the GREAT and...
:: Cadence stands before the great wizard himself, well the creepy green head that is apparently supposed to represent a wizard, that is. ::
[ Panel 4 ]
:: Cadence pulls back the curtain reveal that Tupac was the wizard all along. He’s got a fat stack of money and a Record that’s gone platinum back there with him. The mystery of where 2Pac has been all this time has now been answered. ::
Awesome. Awesome awesome.
That’s supposta be twopacks?
more like sixpacks.
“Is it disrespectful of the dead? […] arethe families exploiting their fame?”
It really depends on whether or not they had any intentions to eventually release them. I could understand the family putting the finishing touches on a work in progress they had or releasing a few songs they cut from an album for space or a finished song that was waiting on the next album.
However, if we’re talking about a song they intentionally decided to not release for whatever reason (decided it wasn’t good enough, wanted to tweak it more, whatever), then it’s stating to get greedy/disrespectful.
Since MJ only has one posthumous album (as far as I know), I’d be willing to believe he wouldn’t be opposed to those songs being put out (most of them at least).
With Tupac, however, the sheer number of songs put out after his death would lead me to believe that he probably would not have put out many of them himself.
I know if hell ever freezes over and I get famous as a result, I’m going to make sure this kind of thing is covered in detail in my will.
Not exactly, in regards to Tupac not releasing those posthumous songs. He was convinced that he was dying young so he was constantly in the studio making song after song to support his mother after his death. As far as some of the remixes and such, however, I don’t think he’d have approved of at least some of them. No creative control for the dead, unfortunately.
I wasn’t aware of that, that’s interesting actually.Though, I do have a feeling there are plenty of filler songs on each album he wouldn’t have done. I recently listened to “R U Still Down?” and there were songs that wereterriblyuncharacteristicof his style and frankly didn’t even sound like his vocals half the time. Also, there were reused clips from the song “Changes” in the song “I Wonder If Heaven Got a Ghetto.”
I agree… if it was previously discussed with family and it was their wish to have the songs finished, then, yes, its all good… it just when they start finding any crappy recording they can find, try to alter vocals and do whatever they can to make it fit in a song JUST to make money… that’s where I begin to have issues.Personally, like you, I wouldn’t want people touching my work… any crap sketches I have on my computer are just that… crap sketches.. But, lets say I was to die before my book was done, I would have hope that one of my friends/family would step in, finalize everything I’ve started and get the books out to any readers who paid for it. In this case, most of the work is done… but if all i had was 100 sketches of “maybe” comics… would that REALLY ok to publish? Idk… they are roughs for a reason… in my mind anyway.
My issue with Michael’s posthumous album is that one of his friend’s came out and said that Micheal wasn’t happy with the album.. he was working on it yes, but hadn’t finalized things because it just wasn’t quite right. I mean, for God sakes… it was 10 years since he did anything.. obviously he was having a writer’s block. I have the album, and I can tell some of the songs are fully polish and were obviously ready to go.. but then the other half of the album is really weak… didn’t sound like it was even fully produced and i swear i heard one or two of his little high pitch sounds he makes from other songs sorta thrown in to fill some spaces. Overall I was disappointed with the album… and I HATE that that was the last thing made under his name. :/
Same goes with Pac, I can hear songs I can tell he would have put his stamp of approval on.. but there are some that just re-use old lyrics and have beats so far from hisaestheticthat it’s just NOT Pac. Idk.. that’s just my opinion anyway.
This reminds me of the situation with Jeff Buckley’s second album “Sketches of My Sweetheart, The Drunk”. A lot of material was written and recorded, but Jeff died before final mixing and rerecording could be done. The band with permission from his mother created a double CD album, the first CD was what they had recorded and was created as a “sketch” of what they hoped Jeff would have wanted it to be. The second CD was some alternate takes and a few demos Jeff worked on that his mother thought fans would appreciate and get a look at the person most of them would never get to know.
Boo! Too soon. Boo! Hisss!Also, I miss Biggie.
Lol, too soon? When is it ok… 20 years? its already been close to 16 years! :P
According to South Park, jokes can only be made about such things 22.3 years after theiroccurrence. This rule has been generally acceptedby the public.
Hey, you’re an artist. What do you want done with your work should you die unexpectedly?
Well in instance of the book I’m currently working on, I’d want it finished and sent out to you guys…. but for strips I’ve chicken scratched out or just written out roughly.. I wouldn’t want touched. Only I know the true voice of all my character and such…so I make final edits as I go based on how i know they’d react. I’ve thought about this a lot recently, especially since they’ve announced that they are doing a Watchmen Prequel WITHOUT the original creators… I could NEVER imagine someone being able tosuccessfullywrite my characters because all of them have parts of me and people in my life that in many cases only I know… just wouldn’t feel right in my opinion.
the posthumous re-emergence of stars is nothing new. way back in ’87, The Smiths made a song, “paint a vulgar picture”, that spelled it out clearly. plus the guitar intro is just delicious.
yup he is the wizard, but no he is not on an island laughing for you see, HE IS ME!!!! lol ):D